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An Object that contains. To initialize an array variable by using an array literal Either in the New clause or when you assign the array value supply the element values inside braces. The Array Zing Race Practise Multiplication In This Fun Game To Colour The Most Boxes Multiplication Multiplication Activities Arrays 3rd Grade Activities ExpectarrayContaining must be passed an Array even if you pass one item. . The following example shows several ways to declare create and initialize a variable to contain an array that has elements of type Char. Thanks to Our Donors. Array Solutions manufactures RF power splitters and phasing systems for antennas and switching systems for antennas and radios and Baluns and Un-uns as well as transmission line transformers and two radio contesting switching devices. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. 沪 ICP 备 17051546 号沪公网安备 31011502007040 号沪 ICP 证 B2-2018057...